The Planning Inspectorate has until Wednesday 24th June 2020 to decide whether or not to accept EDF's application for their proposal to build a new nuclear power station, which would comprise of two European Pressurised Reactors (EPR's) at Sizewell in Suffolk. The plant known as Sizewell C, would be located just North of the existing Sizewell B power station and would generate around 3,260 megawatts (MW) of electricity.
An artists impression of EDF's plan for Sizewell C in Suffolk.
Sizewell C would be nearly identical in design to the Hinkley Point C power station under construction in Somerset and the timing could provide continuity for staff who have now trained in Somerset. This would enable them to transfer the important lessons learnt, onto the Sizewell C development. In addition, if approved the much needed economic boost couldn't have come at a better time, following the Covid-19 pandemic.
Construction progresses for the cooling network at Hinkley Point on 18th September 2018.
If the Development Consent Order (DCO) is granted, financing would still need to be arranged for the estimated £16-20bn construction cost, but if successful the plant could generate sufficient electricity to power six million homes, whilst also providing additional resilience in the UK's production capacity, which in turn reduces the needs for costly imports.
Cooling Pipes receiving reinforcement at Hinkley Point on 20th June 2019.
The construction of Sizewell C would generate 25,000 construction jobs and 1,000 apprenticeships, followed by 900 skilled jobs upon completion.
Foundation construction for the Cooling Network at Hinkley Point on 21st January 2020.
Permanent development works at the development would include the following:
two reactor buildings and associated buildings (the Nuclear Island);
turbine halls and electrical buildings (the Conventional Island);
cooling water pump houses and associated buildings;
the operational service centre;
fuel and waste storage facilities;
external plant and storage tanks;
internal development roads;
ancillary offices and storage facilities;
drainage and sewage infrastructure;
400kV substation plus overhead cabling;
cooling water infrastructure and tunneling;
fish recovery and return system;
access roads and road improvement works;
permanent road bridges;
car parking and helipad;
floor defence upgrades and coastal protection measures;
beach landing facility for Abnormal Indivisible Loads (AIL's) during operational use;
simulation and training centre;
visitor centre;
habitat creation scheme; and
landscaping works.
Formwork being installed to the walls of Unit 1 at Hinkley Point on 21st January 2020.
Temporary development works at the development would include the following:
Accommodation campus for the construction workers;
Offices, workshops, storage and laydown areas;
temporary structures;
concrete batching plant;
stockpile areas for spoil and imported fill materials;
temporary bridges;
temporary jetty for bulk construction materials and Abnormal Indivisible Loads;
temporary rail extension;
flood defences and coastal protection measures;
construction roads, fencing, lighting, security;
coach, lorry and car parking;
surface water management;
environmental buffer zones incorporating bunds; and
acoustic fencing.
Pouring Unit 2 reactor base at Hinkley Point on 28th May 2020.
We will provide a further update once the decision has been made.